Introducing OpenDialogues – The OpenDialog Podcast

🎧 Over the last couple of months, Ronald and I have been having animated, passionate debates about conversation design, conversational AI and our vision for OpenDialog.

Because ‘no maker is an island’, we thought we’d share our ponderings and invite other expert guests in the future to do so, in some ‘Open Dialogues’ on a podcast

Some recordings, and a lot of disfluencies later (linguistics geek here) – I’m so super thrilled to share the very first episode of OpenDialogues with the community.

In this episode, we’ll talk about what conversational applications are, what they mean to us at OpenDialog, and a bit of yaml as well…

We’re also super excited to hear from other passionate professionals in the field, so don’t hesitate to reach out if you have a conversational story to tell!

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How OpenDialog came to be

After a couple of years helping clients design and deploy conversational applications (using a variety of existing tools) we realised that something fundamental was missing. Where was the conversational model in conversational design and tooling? So I reached back into my academic AI days and the field of multi-agent research for some help and inspiration. The result is OpenDialog.

See How it works!

Get in touch for a showcase of how OpenDialog can help your business Deploy Conversational AI, at scale.