Case Studies

OpenDialog solves real-life problems


Davies Group increases automation success and sales uplift with OpenDialog

VRG (Vehicle Replacement Group), part of the Davies Group, tasked OpenDialog with making the vehicle collections process more efficient and improve the user experience through our conversational AI platform.

OpenDialog developed an AI-powered digital assistant that could be sent to policyholders to arrange the collection of the hired vehicle. The solution allows users to use natural language to confirm the vehicle collection or make alternative arrangements. 


Collecting Complex Medical Info Consistently And Reliably

MyMeds&Me approached us with an interesting challenge: turning a complex form-based experience into a simple, straightforward conversational application.

Navigating regulatory requirements, dense content and contextual differences for different users, OpenDialog’s conversational flexibility allowed for more efficient reporting of adverse effects.



Streamlining The Audit Process

Auditing is a very manual and complex process for both the Auditor and their clients, and has not significantly changed for over 10 years.
BDO wanted to transform the way audits are run, reducing the friction of data collection, exchange and collaboration between clients and auditors. They wanted to explore if chat would be a possible solution to improve their processes and provide a point of difference against their competitors.


Making Growth Sustainable With 'Expert' Agents

If you experience a cybercrime you want help fast and at any time, day or night.
The Cyber Helpline is a non-profit that provides free support from cybersecurity experts. They approached us with a complex problem; support in building a chatbot that can navigate the complex world of cyber-crime so they can help victims contain threats and recover.
The CyberHelpline

See How it works!

Get in touch for a showcase of how OpenDialog can help your business Deploy Conversational AI, at scale.