Episode 9 – The Future of Conversation Design

Podcast Episode
Welcome to the ninth episode of OpenDialogues, the podcast hosted by Maaike Coppens and Ronald Ashri discussing everything Conversation Design and OpenDialog.

In this episode, we are joined by Greg Benett – Head of Conversational Design at SalesForce.

In this exhilarating episode, where conversation design brains connect, we talked about :

  • Building a diverse conversation design team
  • Pitfalls and challenges for Conversational AI today
  • What’s the future of conversation design
  • The Power of Patterns

👉  Request a demo now to discover a new way of creating purposeful, context-rich & dynamic conversational experiences!

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Overview | Build The Power of OpenDialog #1

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DeAK_EmUsG4Welcome to OpenDialog. In this beginner’s tutorial, our objective is to build your very first bot The Power of OpenDialog.

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