OpenDialog is in Private Beta!

OpenDialog overview

Conversational applications are going to redefine how we interact with machines and access services. From the essentials, like health, education and social care to the less essential, like picking a new pair of shoes or our next vacation, conversational apps can make the experience more intuitive, more engaging and more useful.

Designing and developing conversational applications, though, can be hard. Although dialogue management and natural language understanding have a long history they’ve only recently become accessible to a wider audience. While great progress has been made, big challenges remain as we move from single exchanges to longer conversations.

At OpenDialog we are solving this by redefining how conversational applications are thought of, starting from the core of the problem. The conversational model itself. Our mission is to empower designers and developers to build the best possible conversational applications.

Over the past few months we’ve built a no-code editor that makes defining apps in the OpenDialog way easy (and fun!) and improved our core conversational engine to enable you to build even more powerful applications quickly.

Now, we are delighted to announce that OpenDialog is in private beta. We will soon be sending out invitations to a cloud-based version of the tool (while also packaging up our open-source version). Sign-up here and we will be in touch!

Can’t wait to show you what is possible with OpenDialog and see what you will create.

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