The OpenDialog AI Platform

Radically Better Customer Experience Through OpenDialog’s unique approach to automated conversations

Don't take our word for it

what our clients Are Saying

Design Conversations

Great conversation design is at the core of a successful virtual assistant.

Our purpose-built no-code conversation designer gives you easy access to the full capability of the powerful and unique OpenDialog conversation engine and puts you in control of every aspect of your virtual assistant. 

Go from idea to live solution quickly and through a single platform.

Manage content

Managing the content of messages for your virtual assistant should not be an afterthought. 

Our flexible content management system makes it easier than ever to  combine and fine-tune conversational copywriting and rich media components in our easy-to-use message editor. 

AI Capability

OpenDialog brings natural language understanding to your fingertips without the need for experts.

Our plug-and-play interpreters give you access to the most powerful NLU engines currently in the market: Azure Language Studio, AWS Lex, OpenAI, Dialogflow or your custom solution. Select the NLU engines that work best for your use case, combine them as required and adapt their use based on your context.

Multi-Channel Support
& Deep Integration

Support conversations across multiple channels like WebChat, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Alexa or build custom integrations using our API.

Connect your virtual assistant to all the services it needs to complete a task. With OpenDialog Actions you can connect to a range of external services or use Robotic Service Automation integrations to get the job done.

detailed Analytics

Once your virtual assistant is live and interacting with your users you need detailed data to understand what is working and what can be improved.

OpenDialog’s unique model makes rich information available that is immediately actionable through our no-code environment.

Making it easier to build AI Powered Chatbots and Intelligent Virtual Assistants

Enterprise Ready Conversational AI

OpenDialog is built on top of resilient and scalable cloud technology. We take care of all the details so you can focus on creating great conversational assistants. 

We provide multiple test environments, continuous integration and deployment, automated backups, 24/7 logging, monitoring and alerting and disaster recovery.  

Multiple Workspaces & templates

Through a single OpenDialog instance you can manage multiple workspaces and users across workspaces, making it easy to divide work across different departments or different clients while being able to centrally manage the platform.

Through our template functionality you can ensure consistent and coherent level of conversation design quality, enabling designers to get started quickly. 

Knowledge Support

Our team of OpenDialog solution architects and experienced conversation designers, is ready to provide support, guidance and practical implementation capability to set you up for success with a great conversational solution. 


The OpenDialog platform and architecture is built from the ground up to support extensibiliity. You can create bespoke experiences that integrate deeply with your existing services and expose conversational capability across your organisation in a unique way. 

See How it works!

Get in touch for a showcase of how OpenDialog can help your business Deploy Conversational AI, at scale.